The Fire Chief said at last night's Business Meeting that his department is fully staffed. He said he lost some well trained employees but was confident with the replacements. 10/20/2021
Redmond Fire, Facebook |
To watch the firefighters, and homeless hotel protesters on City of Redmond video click HERE. (Advance the tape to 2 hours: 17 minutes.) [Homeless Hotel protests start at 40 minutes.]
NOTE: Firefighter family members visited last night's city council meeting to share their concern that up to 20 employees could lose their job if they do not seek a vaccine by October 18. Many firefighters and their families addressed the Mayor and Council emphasizing that in this pandemic none were ever infected. However, early on before the necessity of PPE was recognized four were sent home to quarantine and one quarantined at a fire station. Later the Fire Chief was let go. -- Bob Yoder, 9/212021
-- Steve Kiggins, Q-13, 9/21/2021
Family members and firefighters from the **Redmond Fire Department say they jumped through all the hoops to apply for the exemption, but now worry the city might not provide accommodations.
"For us to even contemplate to fire any of these heroes, shame on us," said firefighter mother Sknge Alsin. "We should keep every job intact."
Alsin’s daughter Kayleight is married to a firefighter. Her husband joined the department after spending 10 years as a Redmond cop.
The family joined a group of firefighters and other family members who expressed their concerns.
The City of Redmond says it has 164 full time employees at the department. Firefighters say as many as 20 have applied for a religious exemption asking the city to allow them to continue mirroring the health protocols they have been using since the beginning of the pandemic.
Last week, firefighters say they believed the city would accept their exemption, but now worry the accommodations may not be allowed.
A city spokesperson said the department is following Gov. Jay Inslee’s state mandate on the vaccine.
-- Steve Kiggins, Q-13, 9/21/2021, edited
-- Bob Yoder, cc: Mayor / Council, 9/22/2021
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