Saturday, August 28, 2021

UPDATED: Dog Parks In Redmond

As Redmond grows so does our need for dog parks.  The downtown park (?) and Marymoor park can't do it all. 🐕,  Off leash "Pop Up Dog Parks" are a solution many cities are employing.  Below, is an orange City of Kirkland pop up.  Kirkland has three of them and all has gone so well that one will be permanent. You can't see it in this picture but there's also a smaller park for the little guys.  

Temporary pop up in a Kirkland park / B. Yoder

Potential dog park area near Soul Food / B. Yoder

During "Redmond Lights" Gary Smith, Parks Commission Chair, pointed out this green patch of land.  He thought it had potential for a dog park. For orientation, the land is west of Discover Yoga; it's the structure you're looking at. And it's behind Soul Food.  There may not be enough acreage for large and small dogs, but small dogs could romp. Unfortunately, the owner is Mr. Nelson.  His attorney said the land won't be used for a dog park area.

Smith Woods Park in northern Redmond is a 10 acre, mostly grassy place.  It might be a perfect location for those that don't want to drive all the way to Marymoor Park and to serve Redmondites in general. Can you think of other locations?  

--Bob Yoder, 8/28/2021

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Long overdue, City should make it happen now.