Thursday, August 26, 2021

Critique On A Redmond Council Meeting

I'm a local government nerd and try to watch City Council meetings on Facebook LIVE whenever I can.  A few actions really annoyed me at their last Study Session and I'm getting it off my chest here; other actions were commendable.  

1,  Our councilmembers work exceptionally hard and they're smart. We, the electorate did well!

2.  Even though Mr. Fields committed to keeping his zoom camera on when talking he rarely does. In the few meetings Ms. Kahn has attended, she seldom turns her camera on.  Seeing faces and body language is an important part of communication.  Otherwise, it's like listening to a radio.

3. Councilmembers Kritzer, Padhye, Anderson, and Forsythe always put their cameras on so you can watch them talking.  Cameras help in public engagement.  Ms. Kritzer and Padhye usually sit on the Dais as does Ms. Anderson & Mr. Carson.  Seeing their faces and body language is extremely helpful.  Yes, we are a broad, attentive viewing audience who wants to be informed and participate.   

4. Ms. Kahn on three occasions talked endlessly.  She may have made 1-2 points. "Be Brief, Be Bright, Be Gone" is something to think about. 

5. V.P. Jeralee Anderson did a fabulous job running the "Environmental Sustainability Priority" conversations. [She's given an environmental TEDx talk on "green roads."] Jeralee made sure everyone had the opportunity to participate equatibly.  Jeralee has good body language and engages well.  

6. The Council Safety Committee was considered for "housing" an environmental sustainability standing committee.  The Mayor (not in attendance) through President Padhye was concerned about staffing. Padhye said a Director's attendance was common practice. Five councilmembers said an environmental executive would be fitting. (as do I.)  Council will take a vote next Business meeting.  

7. Mr. Fields scolded President Padhye over a simple procedural question.  It was uncivil and unbecoming of a councilmember.  (His area of interest is policy.)  

-- Bob Yoder, 8/26/2021

1 comment:

Bob Yoder said... Jeralee's TED Talk

Councilmember Dr. Jeralee Anderson runs a "Green Roads" non-profit. She's who we need on Council and for the City's environmental sustainablity goals. The link takes you to her TED Talk on green infrastruture. It's a good listen!
