Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Sweeping Changes Coming To The Together Center

A sketch of the new Together Center

At this time the old buildings are demolished. The new Center will be five-stories tall and close to Bella Bottega; it's expected to be occupied by April, 2023.  Underground parking is a necessity and will be built.  The new Center will provide eighty units for the homeless with incomes 30-50% of average monthly income (AMI.)  These prices are unheard of.  Two hundred workforce housing units will be available at 50-60% AMI.  Significant square footage is added, probably to accommodate additional nonprofits. (Blessings for the Center. Many years ago when I was the outreach coordinator for NAMI- Eastside we were looking for an office to move our Founder out of his home.  I discovered the Together Center - a jewel - and we've been there ever since.)   If you'd like to donate click here.

The old Together Center directory identifies its three buildings and nonprofits. The most significant change from the old to the new is the addition of affordable housing units.

Pamela Mauk was the Executive Director of the Center for over 10 years.  I found her donation brick  with 50 others in the courtyard.  (The hyperlink is an excellent interview with Ms. Mauk.) 

-- Photos/story by Bob Yoder, 3/31/2021

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