Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Valuing our indigenous students

Not to forget our indigenous students and their families!

Interdistrict cooperative contracts for services to American Indian and Alaska Native students in the Bellevue and Northshore School districts resulted when the Eastside Native American Education Consortium was formed in 1984. At that time the Lake Washington School District agreed to be the overseeing agency (sponsoring school district) to receive annual Title VI – Indian Education funds from the U.S. Department of Education. 

Since the level of Title VI funding does not adequately cover program costs, each school district agreed to contribute a prorated cost per native student enrolled in the Title VI programs. 

Estimated cost charged to each participating district for the 2020-2021 is as follows: 

Bellevue School District 57 Students @ $65.00 = $3,705.00 

Northshore School District 89 Students @ $65.00 = $5,785.00 

Lake Washington School District 120 Students @ $65.00 = $7,800.00

Reported by Yoder


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