Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Cost Recovery From COVID-19 Expenses

On June 2, 2020 Council decided to allocate $1,975,800 of funding provided by the CARES Act to the community via Small Business Economic Support ($1,705,800), Senior Nutrition Program ($20,000), and Human Services for mental health, telework, food security, and personal protective equipment ($250,000). 

BACKGROUND:  On January 21, 2020 the State of Washington announced that the first confirmed positive case of COVID-19 had been identified at the Life Center in Kirkland, Washington. The first announcement of a death from the disease in the United States occurred on February 29th . The City of Redmond Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) activated on February 29th and Mayor Birney declared a state of emergency on March 2, 2020. City facilities (except for essential/life safety operations) were closed on March 13th. During this time additional supplies were obtained to create a safe workspace for staff and first responders to effectively respond to the pandemic. On March 16, 2020 Washington State Governor Jay Inslee ordered all restaurants, bars, and recreational facilities closed to the public.

On January 21, 2020 the State of Washington announced that the first confirmed positive case of COVID-19 had been identified at the Life Center in Kirkland, Washington. The first announcement of a death from the disease in the United States occurred on February 29th . The City of Redmond Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) activated on February 29th and Mayor Birney declared a state of emergency on March 2, 2020. City facilities (except for essential/life safety operations) were closed on March 13th. During this time additional supplies were obtained to create a safe workspace for staff and first responders to effectively respond to the pandemic. On March 16, 2020 Washington State Governor Jay Inslee ordered all restaurants, bars, and recreational facilities closed to the public.

The City of Redmond submitted a Request for Public Assistance to FEMA on April 13, 2020 and was approved as a subrecipient of the Washington State Military Department. FEMA funding will reimburse eligible expenditures related to the primary incident response including but not limited to personal protective equipment, sanitation, and medical supplies. The total FEMA grant award amount has not yet been identified and will be determined based on approved project worksheets which are to be submitted by the City. On June 2, 2020 Council decided to allocate $1,975,800 of funding provided by the CARES Act to the community via Small Business Economic Support ($1,705,800), Senior Nutrition Program ($20,000), and Human Services for mental health, telework, food security, and personal protective equipment ($250,000). The identified costs will be 100% reimbursable by the City’s CARES Act Funding administered by the Washington State Department of Commerce. On May 12, 2020 King County Council passed an ordinance allocating $1.95 million of the County’s CARES Act allocation to a grant program to support King County cities’ economic relief and recovery activities in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Of this, the City of Redmond is eligible to receive $100,584.

Mayor memo to Council, 7/21/2020

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