Wednesday, July 29, 2020

$4,250,645 Bid Awarded For Tank Painting And Seismic Upgrade

On most large Redmond projects I have noticed, grants are awarded.  The City is exceptional in this matter. I don't understand why grants weren't secured for this massive project. - B. Yoder

The City owns and operates a four and half million-gallon (4.5 MG) water storage tank in SE Redmond. The tank is located at 18609 NE 65th St., near Fire Station 16. The steel tank was constructed in 1996 and is scheduled for exterior and interior paint recoating.

The contract consultant, Gray & Osborne Engineers, has completed the final design for the tank re-coatings, and the seismic upgrade. This project also includes other improvements, new safety railings, storm gutters, support piping will be replaced, and the telemetry system updated.

Maintenance & Operations, Water Operations will not shut down and drain the tank until the summer peak water demand ends on September 30, 2020. The temporary shutdown of the SE Redmond Tank will have no impact to City water service. The builtin redundancy of the City tank water system can provide continuous water supply.

All project work, including sand blasting, re-coating of the interior and exterior surfaces, seismic upgrades and final painting is expected to take approximately eleven months. The telecommunications carriers, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint have had equipment leases on the SE Tank roof top for many years. As part of their lease agreements the carriers will temporarily remove their equipment from the roof by August 31, 2020. The carriers have a City permit to erect a temporary cellular tower adjacent to the tank site. The temporary tower work will not interfere with SE Tank project.

The project was advertised in the Daily Journal of Commerce on June 3rd and June 10th, 2020. The City Clerk received the electronic bids until 2:00 pm on June 25, 2020. Four bid proposals were submitted, one of the four bids were found unresponsive: Contractor Bid Amount (incl. sales tax) T-Bailey, Inc. $ 4,250,645.30 Abhe & Svoboda, Inc. 6,592,850.00 Southern Road & Bridge LLC 6,815,631.90 Engineer’s Estimate $ 4,394,864.10

-- Regular meeting Memo from Mayor Birney, 7/21/2020

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