Wednesday, January 29, 2020

UPDATED: I Won't Get Taxed Out Of The City I Love - This Year

OPINION:  Said the Seattle Times on January 28th,, "a group of Harborview County hospital stakeholders is likely to vote Wednesday to recommend that County Executive Dow Constantine and the County Council place a $1.7 billion bond measure on the November ballot to revamp Harborview."  The stakeholders voted yay.

Once passed, the Harborview Medical Center bond will cost about $90 / year on property assessed at $580,000.  There's a strong provision for expanded Behavioral Health facilities.  
We still await the LWSD Superintendent and Board's decisions on their planned 2022 and 2026 bond measures.  In the meantime, we continue to pay the school district a 6-year levy of $20M/year.

I recently learned King County property taxes will increase 13.7% in 2020.  Also, the King County Parks, Recreation, Trails and open space levy was approved for 2020 at a higher level. It's a 6-year property tax led lift priced at .1832/$1K property value.

Not to forget, Sound Transit 3 (ST3) taxes are approximately $1,000 per year for a family with an annual salary of $90K with vehicles worth $45K and a property valued at $450K.

At a council meeting last night our leaders said there may be a levy to pay for the regional aquatics center.

Will  EvergreenHealth propose a reasonable bond measure for funding seismic upgrades this year?  Will car tab prices remain as is? Will the city propose their safety levy this year?  Will the city raise their 1% property tax to 3% to account for inflation.  Any of these I can live with despite my fixed income, at least for this year. Then, I may be on my way.  
  -- Bob Yoder

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