Monday, July 29, 2019

Electric scooters to debut in Redmond July 30th.

Lime, a private bike and scooter share company, is expected to debut electric scooters in Redmond on Tuesday, July 30, and may add bicycles in the future.
This pilot program allows residents and employees to use bikes and/or scooters until May 2020 and then bike and scooter share will be reconsidered.


Bicycle and scooter sharing support the City’s vision in the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to improve travel choices and mobility. The scooters will give Redmond travelers new options as the average trip in Redmond is 2.2 miles, which is about a 15-minute bike or scooter ride.


Anonymous said...

Won't helmets be required, and if not, why not?

Bob Yoder said...

They will be required. You can get them from the police for $10.