Thursday, May 23, 2019

Redmond crime rate is low

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Redmond Police Chief Kristi Wilson/ Internet
Annual crime data is reported to Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs.  They determine crime rate per thousand by local jurisdictions and statewide as a comparison.  Police Chief Wilson says: "Analysis Data continues to demonstrate the crime rate within the City of Redmond is incredibly low and has remained consistent over the past several years."

Property crime continues to make up the significant majority of reported crime  (3022 in 2017.) "Smash and Dash" and package thieves are the most prevalent property crimes. Violent crime also continues to remain at a very low rate at 1.72/K.  Statewide violent crime is 3.5/K.

Kristi Wilson, Police Chief
May 21 Council Committee meeting

Note:  In the first Council "Neighborhood Conversations" meeting Mayoral Candidate Andrew Koeppen complained that dangerous crime rates were much higher in Redmond. The Mayor and Councilmember Carson clarified stating the State went to a new reporting system.

-- Bob Yoder

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