Thursday, May 23, 2019

$3,900,000 price tag for Redmond Central Connector extension

Image result for Redmond Central Connector image
photo credit / Berger
Project Purpose Phase II construction of the Redmond Central Connector project provides a paved multiuse trail extension from the end of Phase I at the Sammamish River Trail to the 9900 block of Willows Road.  Total Project Cost:  $3,912,877.49.


In June 2010, the City purchased the four miles of former BNSF Railroad right-of-way in Redmond and immediately began planning for the development of the corridor for city and regional projects such as a stormwater trunk line, a regional trail and linear park, northsouth transportation connections, and future light rail.In June 2011, the City adopted the Redmond Central Connector Master Plan for the corridor, which identified a phased approach to building the regional trail and linear park.

Project Description:

Redmond Central Connector project, Phase II provides a paved multiuse trail connection from the end of Phase I at the Sammamish River Trail to the 9900 block of Willows Road. The route of the new trail construction primarily follows the BNSF railroad corridor (see Attachment A). The project construction includes: • Installation of more than 1.3 miles of a paved trail. • Redevelopment of two existing rail bridges for pedestrian use. • Development of adjacent pedestrian features for park use. • Complete pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk at NE 90th Street, NE 95th Street and private driveways along the corridor in support of the new trail crossings.


The total contract amount increased on this project due to change order work that added scope items to the project. These items include a pedestrian stairway on the east abutment of the Sammamish River bridge on to the ramp for the Redmond Central Connector Phase 1, The addition of trail lighting from NE 90th Street to NE 100th Street and the addition of trail side pavers at three locations along the new trail. These added scope items allowed Redmond to fully utilize the grant funding available for the project development

-- City Council Regular Meeting memo, 5/21/19

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