Monday, March 18, 2019

Idylwood Park tree restoration was a total success

Idylwood Park restoration/ Photo Yoder

Last year, most of the cottonwoods in Idylwood Park were removed owing to danger from falling limbs.  This Saturday GreenRedmond sponsored a restoration project to restore and enhance the park landscaping.

In this photo, councilmember Hank Myers is in the foreground along with 4 other volunteers. Dr. David Morton is digging in the backgound.  Hank leads on most of the City's environmental projects.  Besides restoration, Hank is an expert and advocate of Redmond salmon and their habitat in Lower Bear Creek. I've heard him present at Redmond Kiwanis and was blown away by his knowledge.

Over 70 trees and 350 shrubs were planted that day by 50 residents, including kiddos. We were blessed with beautiful, sunny weather.  It was so rewarding to watch the toddlers plant.  In the future we will need these little ones to help us battle climate-change.

-- Bob Yoder

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