Tuesday, October 2, 2018

City saves two mature cottonwoods at Idywood Park

City Park Operations Manger David Tucheck
in Idylwood Park with Cottonwoods
In August 2017, two separate large tree limb failures occurred at Idylwood Park. After the limb failures from drought, a visual tree risk assessment was performed on all trees in high use park areas by a certified arborist on City staff. As a result of the tree risk assessment, thirty (30) large cottonwood trees were identified as needing to be removed.

 March 19, 2018, City staff removed fourteen (14) cottonwood trees.
 March 27, 2018, a formal appeal regarding the project was filed. The tree removal project was put on hold during the appeal process.
 June 1, 2018, the appeal was dismissed by the Hearing Examiner The project was postponed until after Labor Day because of the busy summer beach season.

The City has hired a contractor to remove the remaining fourteen (14) hazardous cottonwood trees. Two (2) of the hazardous will be pruned to reduce risk and will remain. The project is scheduled to resume on October 8, 2018. Restoration of the tree removal areas will occur November 2018 – March 2019.

A community volunteer replanting event will be coordinated by the City. Volunteers and City staff will plant trees, shrubs, groundcovers, and install woody mulch. Replanting quantities include 66 trees, 291 shrubs, and 96 groundcovers.

Source:  Parks and Human Services Council committee memo, 10/2

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