Sunday, October 7, 2018

Washington Department of Transportation tops hazardous trees

Several dead and dying trees shown here next to SR 520 near Redmond will be topped during an upcoming project.
Click image to see the trees
The Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is cutting down numerous 80 - 100 year old cottonwood trees growing along SR520 next to Bear Creek. The agency says these trees pose a hazard falling onto SR520 in high winds.  The trees are on WSDOT property, not the City of Redmond's property as many think. For environmental reasons they are topping ...not removing....the trees to provide habitat for birds and other animals. The procedure creates an ugly outcome.  The Mayor said in the Regular Council meeting of 10/2 the tree logs will be scattered along Bear and Evans creek to improve salmon habitat. 
Source:  WSDT blog

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