Wednesday, June 20, 2018

LWSD Holds Two Public Meetings To Select New Superintendent

Redmond, Wash. – At the June 14 special board meeting, the Lake Washington School District (LWSD) Board of Directors screened 58 candidates for first-round interviews for the position of Superintendent.

Ray and Associates contacted 1,110 individuals regarding LWSD’s Superintendent vacancy. Out of those 1,110 contacts, 58 candidates completed the application process by providing Ray and Associates, Inc. with the required candidate materials. These 58 applicants were screened based on administrative experience, academic background and the qualities and criteria determined by the LWSD Board of Directors and printed on the LWSD Job Profile.

Ray and Associates, Inc. then performed a comprehensive interview with each of the top candidates. A thorough investigation of each candidate was then made through references, state officials, other school administrators and individuals who knew each candidates’ abilities and strengths. Following these investigations, the determination of the best candidates for the LWSD Superintendent position was finalized. Eleven candidates were then screened by the LWSD Board of Directors at the June 14 special board meeting. The LWSD Board of Directors narrowed the list of candidates down to the top five. These five applicants will be interviewed by the LWSD Board of Directors during a special board meeting, in executive session (closed to the public) on June 22, 2018. Following the executive session, the board is scheduled to reconvene the special board meeting in the LWSD Resource Center Board Room at 7:00 p.m.  -- open to the public -- to take action to select the superintendent finalists.  The Superintendent Search page of the LWSD website will be updated as well.

The public is invited to attend a Town Hall with each of the finalists on Thursday, June 28 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the LWSD Resource Center  The Town Hall will also be streamed live from the Superintendent Search section of the LWSD websiteThere will be an opportunity for community members to provide feedback on each candidate to the School Board via the “Candidate Impression Form” that will be available on the website as well.
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Lake Washington School District is a high-performing public school district serving Kirkland, Redmond, and Sammamish, Washington. It is the third largest district in the state of Washington, with over 29,500 students in 52 schools.

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