Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Spread the good cheer! Make Christmas for someone else possible by donating blood

HOLY  CROSS  BLOOD  DRIVE              FRI., DEC 22nd                        12-6pm

Image result for blood donation images An especially Merry Christmas to all who have donated blood over the last year at Holy Cross or the other churches in our Redmond Interfaith Blood Drives.  While you are celebrating the holidays with family and friends, others may be signed up for a surgery or need a transfusion just to have a little more energy to keep going.  YOU can help them enjoy their holidays, too, by offering to donate on:  

            FRIDAY,  DEC 22nd   
            12-6pm  (closed 2:30-3:30pm)

We'll have lots of yummy Christmas goodies to share with donors and those that “try to give”, too!

Church of Holy Cross  (corner of 162nd AVE NE and NE 116th ST )

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