Friday, December 8, 2017

UPDATED: Redmond Neighborhood Blog "About Us" is revised and edited

Bob, Lexie and Pam
Here's the revision....

The "Redmond Neighborhood Blog" mission is to keep our community better informed, connected and responsive to each other, with attention to local governments and our neighborhoods. My vision is positive. progressive change in our community.       

I've lived in Redmond 38 years and started blogging about 10 years ago. When I first moved here from the mid-west to sell medical supplies, Redmond was a rural one-stoplight town.  My family loved visiting the downtown feed store to play with the chicks; golf the downtown course; drive through the horse farms; line up at for ice cream and fresh milk at Thenos and generally just enjoy a peaceful lifestyle away from the big city. Well, those days are over.  

I've been writing "Redmond Blog" under a known premise that governments fostering "transparency (openness) and participation" are good governments.  My open government reporting of the City includes reporting on the Lake Washington School District and EvergreenHealth District governments. Transparency is improving and our local governments are healthier.  

Several environmental issues in the mid-2000's tormented me so I started blogging to cope, "get the word out," and leverage voice. (A city planning commissioner Korby Parnel suggested I write a blog.) Environmental Issue 1:  A  housing project on Education Hill threatened the neighborhood forest and an important wetland frequented by science teachers. Public notice was pathetic so we got the word out. Mayor Ives negotiated a wider buffer. Notice was improved; two neighborhood meetings are now required. Issue 2:  Hiking along Evans Creek in the city's southwest industrial district we found and reported riparian buffers severely abused by a wood recycling company.  We were surprised the city "let this go" so leveraged voice. Soon, six state and local agencies were called in for remediation. Mayor Marchione later proclaimed "Riparian, as habitat of local importance."  Issue 3: Years later, Lower Bear Creek was threatened by a WSDOT SR520 widening project.  We worked with city and state officials to raise awareness and request funding. The creek was eventually re-aligned to preserve federally protected salmon habitat.  

Years ago, I found Evergreen Hospital's concealed public Board commission's chambers and started attending their meetings and reporting on them.  Public Record Requests revealed an executive/pediatrician's salary of $600,000 and other misfeasance.  In short time, CEO Brown abruptly resigned and the commissioners hired Bob Malte from Colorado Springs as CEO.  Mr. Malte reshuffled personnel and re-branded Evergreen to "EvergreenHealth."  The hospital currently is winning many regional and national awards under Malte's helm. 

One in five of the American population have a mental health condition and only half are treated.  Under the Malte Administration, EvergreenHealth developed a new mental health service (I think required by law.) but our bursting EvergreenHealth community still doesn't have an out-patient psychiatric clinic nor employ a single psychiatrist. I will be attending their Board of Commissioner meetings in 2018 to raise awareness, suggest improvements and push for better access.

During the Lake Washington School District promotion of the 2016 bond, my blogging activities pivoted in large way from an anti-tax bent to a broader scope of community advocacy.  I'm connecting more; it's been a pleasant change. However, I remain an activist for mental health access and other significant issues.     

Besides health and wellness, popular topics and blogging focus this year is on our rapid urbanization, the environment, student education, and local politics.  I'm presently working within the community to further Council member Steve Fields "Build Community, Not Just Buildings" agenda. I'll be attending more public government and non profit meetings. I recently became a member of NAMI Eastside  and will tap into to their resources to move mental health care forward. My mental health goals are to advocate for those who can't and to improve access to psychiatric services.  

I'm a connector, catalyst, promoter and truth-seeker of sorts. I'm very excited about what's to come in 2018.  Your feedback, personal stories news and opinion are invaluable. Please e-mail me at  Writing and publishing Redmond Neighborhood Blog is consuming and without monetary compensation.  However, it's been my passion and avocation and will hopefully lend to positive changes 

Best Wishes,
Bob Yoder

Disclaimer:  I'm a "Seattle Times News Partner," but not a journalist.  Errors. omissions and miss-representations occur on a regular basis; and my posts aren't always sourced. ,

Privacy Statement:    Facebook and Twitter text and photos may be posted or shared  with discretion and anonymously without asking, at times.  Facebook and Twitter photos will not be posted without asking.  Blog comments may be posted at times. Email: Twitter: @RedmondNeighbor    Facebook Page  Subscribe by email,


John Reinke said...

Thanks very much for your outstanding reporting and public service over the past several years, Bob. You have proved yourself to be a real asset to the community!


Peter McDonald said...

Bob, I have not always agreed with you. However, you do bring up important issues and cause meaningful conversation. We too have lived in Redmond for over 30 years and seen our city changed, mostly good and some forced upon us by changes beyond our borders. You can can still see bald eagles near city hall and ride a bike safely.

Have a good holiday and keep up the good work.

Peter McDonald

Bob Yoder said...

Happy Holidays to you too Peter. John Reinke is a prolific Redmond nature photographer and many of his photos and stories are here:

Last week he found a new bald eagle nest west of the Sammamish River near the Senior Center. He's sending me pictures and a story to post.

On another note, I know you love biking and Redmond is a super place for it. PIM sells electric bikes and they're letting me ride them for several weeks. Maybe I'll see you on the trail. Call me! I'm going to focus on finding routes to MSFT.