Friday, December 15, 2017

Updated: Deputy Superintendent Dr. Holmen explains Choice Schools

In this video, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Holmen discusses the district's two school options -- Neighborhood Schools and Choice Schools. He's a very good speaker and I'm so happy the District and LWPTSA are providing this media. It's long, but listen up to minute 12:28 and you'll get the gist.  There's lots of good information here.  I found it interesting the proposed 2018 bond was first advertised as funding a Redmond OR Sammamish Choice school.   In this recording, Dr. Holmen clarified that the proposed Choice school will be in Sammamish.

This presentation is terrific and offers interesting and useful information, yet little opportunity for feedback,  (The district could learn from us.)  It makes an assumption of what the community wants for educational program services without confirmation.  It's a super presentation with good information but it's difficult to take it all in and digest.  In my opinion, School Options would be a good topic for an "online open house."  Shannon Parthemer, Director of Communications and Community Engagement, could probably fill you in on the concept. 

Happy Holidays!

B. Yoder, opinion

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