I know Cassandra through the PTSA, an organization dedicated to student’s success and welfare. Volunteers serving the PTSA are the most hardworking, dedicated and organized people I know. The PTSA awards volunteers for their work and the Golden Acorn award is their highest honor. Cassandra has earned FOUR, Golden Acorn awards, over her 22 years of service to the PTSA from four different schools. Being awarded once is no small matter, but four awards tells you something about Cassandra. This is an amazing achievement and few are in her elite class of volunteers. The award criteria language states: “awarded to an individual who has given outstanding volunteer service to ALL children and demonstrated commitment to helping them achieve their potential, beyond what is recognized as part of their responsibilities, duties of office or job in the PTSA”.
Not only has Cassandra dedicated herself to the PTSA, as a parent with special needs children, she has years of experience with the issues of Special Needs students throughout the district. She is a thoughtful listener, speaker and writer and would serve the district well as it continues to grow as one of the highest rated school districts in the state. I have no doubt in my mind that Cassandra will dedicate herself to this position. She should be your number one choice as well.
Lile Ellefsen
I'm honored to have the support of former PTSA president Lile Ellefson. Thank you for sharing, Bob.
Thank you Cassandra for public service. The community, as well, appreciates your dedication and passionate commitment to the education and well-being of our children. You are a terrific Board member! Blessings to you in this election.
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