Dr. Jon Holmen | Deputy Superintendent
425-936-1310 | joholmen@lwsd.org
Dr. Holmen serves as Chief of Staff, overseeing the district’s student and school support services and key operational functions within the district. He provides vision, leadership, and direction, assuming responsibility for success of the district’s departments of School Support, Student Services, Human Resources, Technology Operations, and Communications. He works to ensure effective and efficient district operations in accomplishing strategic goals. Dr. Holmen assists the superintendent in achieving district objectives and key performance indicators, assuring alignment with law, policy, and priorities established by the Board of Directors.
Barbara Posthumus | Associate Superintendent
Business and Support Services
425-936-1211 | bposthumus@lwsd.org
Ms. Posthumus serves as Chief Financial Officer, providing direct oversight of the district’s financial, business, and related auxiliary services. She ensures the district’s overall financial integrity and stability, assuming leadership in the development and administration of annual and multi-year budgets. She provides leadership and direction to the department of Support Services, ensuring efficacy of capital resources and investments and support for accomplishment of strategic goals. She also oversees the departments of transportation services and nutrition services. Ms. Posthumus assists the superintendent in achieving district objectives and key performance indicators, assuring alignment with law, policy, and priorities established by the Board of Directors.
Business and Support Services contact information and organizational charts
Read More>> Chief Success Officer / Chief Academic Officer // Salaries & Benefits

Mike VanOrden | Associate Superintendent
Read More>> Chief Success Officer / Chief Academic Officer // Salaries & Benefits

Mike VanOrden | Associate Superintendent
Student Academic Success Services
425-936-1267 | mvanorden@lwsd.org
Mr. VanOrden serves as Chief Success Officer, overseeing the district’s multi-tiered system of support for students. He provides vision, leadership, and direction, assuming responsibility for success of the departments of Teaching and Learning; Special Services, and Intervention Services in accomplishing strategic goals. Mr. VanOrden assists the superintendent in achieving district objectives and key performance indicators, assuring alignment with law, policy, and priorities established by the Board of Directors.
Student Academic Success Services contact information and organizational charts

Matt Manobianco | Associate Superintendent

Matt Manobianco | Associate Superintendent
Student and Professional Learning Services
425-936-1322 | mmanobianco@lwsd.org
Mr. Manobianco serves as Chief Academic Officer, overseeing the district’s instructional program. He provides vision, leadership, and direction, assuming responsibility for success of the departments of Assessment, Evaluation and Research; Innovation, Choice, and Accelerated Programs; College and Career Readiness; and, Professional Learning in accomplishing strategic goals. Mr. Manobianco assists the superintendent in achieving district objectives and key performance indicators, assuring alignment with law, policy, and priorities established by the Board of Directors.
Student and Professional Learning Services contact information and organizational charts
12 months
Dept. Sup. 181,600
Assoc. Sups 166,300
Directors: 153,895
Assoc. Dir. 139,390
Benefits: $5,000/yr annuity, $940/yr cell, 910/yr mileage, ea. employee pays $10/mo for med. ins.
Sr. HS Principal 141,975
Sr. HS Assoc. Principal 124,460
MS Principal 131,085
MS Assoc Principal 118,580
EL Principal 127,035
EL Assoc Principal 111,960
Benefits $5,000/yr annuity, $940/yr cell, $310 mileage
Source: 8/14/2017 Board Packet Part 1
12 months
Dept. Sup. 181,600
Assoc. Sups 166,300
Directors: 153,895
Assoc. Dir. 139,390
Benefits: $5,000/yr annuity, $940/yr cell, 910/yr mileage, ea. employee pays $10/mo for med. ins.
Sr. HS Principal 141,975
Sr. HS Assoc. Principal 124,460
MS Principal 131,085
MS Assoc Principal 118,580
EL Principal 127,035
EL Assoc Principal 111,960
Benefits $5,000/yr annuity, $940/yr cell, $310 mileage
Source: 8/14/2017 Board Packet Part 1
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