Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Design Review Board studies 9-story twin towers

Design Review Board meeting June 15, 2017 at City Hall, 7PM

Design Review Board
15670 NE 85th Street, Redmond, WA 98052
Agenda for print (PDF version) 


Review and approval of meeting minutes:
April 6, 2017
April 20, 2017

APPROVAL  (click on the links!)
LAND-2016-02100, Redmond City Center

Description:  Construction of a nine-story mixed use building in two towers, with approximately 425 residential units and 49,000 sq. ft. of retail space
Location:  16135 NE 85th Street
Applicant:  Oscar Del Moro with Comos Development Company
Architect:  Robin Murphy with Sticker Cato Murphy Architects
Prior Review Dates:  12/05/13, 01/23/14, 03/05/15, 02/02/17 & 04/06/17
Staff Contact: Gary Lee, 425-556-2418 or glee@redmond.gov
Review Materials:  Memo   Design Checklist  
Presentation Option 1     Presentation Option 2     
Architectural Plans   Lighting   Landscape 
Color Options   Color Options 1   Color Options 2


The project entails the development of a new building with two 9-story towers, on the former Downtown Post Office site. The site is approximately 2.3 acres in area. The building will have ground floor retail (grocery store proposed) fronting NE 85th Street, with two 8-story towers above. The original proposal that was approved by the December 17, 2015 (under file # LAND- 2013-01989) included approximately 249 dwelling units, 25,000 square feet of retail space and 83,000 square feet of office space. The current proposal is a taller version with more dwelling units. The ground floor, footprint, and Site Plan generally remain the same as previously approved, however the building is proposed to be taller by adding mezzanines to several floors. The number of stories will remain the same as originally approved.

III. SURROUNDINGS, ZONING, AND STANDARDS   Surrounding Uses, Character The site is located within the Town Square district of the Downtown neighborhood. The intent of this district is to encourage higher intensity, multi-story, developments. It is envisioned that new development in this district be 6 to 8 stories tall and include office, entertainment, and residential uses. 

STAFF ANALYSIS At the April 6, 2017 meeting the Board expressed that they were not ready to approve the project as it felt that the colors, or architectural features should be bolder, more muscular – especially near the top of the building which will be most visible from a distance. The Board also mentioned that the shadow study did not look correct, with the buildings getting taller.  

Staff finds the updated plans have addressed the Boards April 6th comments, and finds the two proposed color options acceptable. Staff prefers Color option 2, however staff is amenable to approving both options, leaving it up the developer to choose at the time of development.

[Who on Staff reports to Council during Study Sessions and Committee Meetings? Or do they?]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find the paragraph that the public cannot comment on the color, lighting and architectural style to be totally ridiculous. WHO CARES ABOUT COLOR, etc.... What I want to know is what another 500 cars from this development will do to traffic.

Traffic on NE 85th Street is already bumper-to-bumper and doesn't move during morning and afternoon rush hour (which seems to last longer and longer.)

When will the City put a halt to development because our streets can't handle it?

BTW: I really prefer "egg-shell" over beige or cream.