The appointment process will be discussed in the January 31st study session, City Hall, 7:30 pm. It's possible there will be public Q&A with the candidates.
--Council President Hank Margeson, 1/11/2017
REDMOND, WA - City of Redmond residents with an interest in local government and community issues are invited to apply for an opening on the Redmond City Council. With Councilmember Kim Allen's resignation (effective January 31, 2017), there is an opening for Position 4 on the City Council to fill the remainder of her term until the November 2017 election.
To be eligible to serve on the Council, applicants must be a resident for one year and be a registered voter of the City. If a person has residency questions in this regard, please contact the City Clerk’s Office.
The seven-member City Council establishes City law and policy by passing ordinances and resolutions. The Council also adopts the city budget, approves appropriations, contracts in the City's name, levies taxes, and grants franchises. Regular business meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday evenings of every month, with special meetings or study sessions on current issues scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday evenings.
To apply, please submit a letter with a statement of your qualifications and interest (1000-word limit, 12 point font). No additional materials will be accepted. All submissions are public record. Letters of Interest shall be submitted to the City Clerk’s office:
- Personal Delivery – 2nd Floor, City Hall, Customer Service, 15670 NE 85th Street, Redmond WA (c/o City Clerk)
- Certified Mail – Michelle M. Hart, City Clerk, City of Redmond, P.O. Box 97010, Redmond, WA 98073-9710
The application deadline is Friday, January 27, 2017, at 4 pm, to be followed by interviews in February.
For questions and more information contact Lisa Maher, Communications & Marketing Manager, at or 425-556-2427. This press release is available on
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