Saturday, October 1, 2016

Five musical events, somewhere on or near Redmond Way

Image result for dig downtown redmond imagesTo attract residents to businesses suffering from the construction on Redmond Way, the city started at "Dig Downtown Redmond" campaign of entertainment events.  The events are held on Monday evenings. The hitch is you have to drive around the downtown roads to find them...kinda like "hide and seek."

Three events have been already held; unfortunately I couldn't find any of them. Please comment below this post if any of you know where they were held, so we can drive down there and support those businesses.  Thanks!

Five events remain in the line-up.

October 3: "Barbershop & Acapello"
October 10 "Tropic Tonight"
October 17 "Brass Attack"
October 24 "World and Jazz"
October 21 "Downtown Spooky Town"

They sound very enticing.  Maybe I'll see you there!  Questions?  E-mail Nicole Wiebe, Community Outreach Coordinator,

Happy hunting,

Bob Yoder

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