Thursday, May 12, 2016

Shin Yu Pai - The City of Redmond's 2016 Poet Laureate

Shin Yu Pai
Shin Yu Pai
Earlier this year, the City Council approved $10,000 to hire Shin Yu Pai as our Poet Laureate for the 2015-2016 year. Shin Yu Pai is a Poet, Curator, Oral Historian, Photographer, and Educator.

According to the city, the purpose of our Poet Laureate is to:

1. Broaden the awareness of poetry.
2. Express the spirit of Redmond culture through poetry.
3. Raise the level of discourse during discussions and debates in the City.

Have you ever heard her recite poetry? Please comment below this post.  I've heard her once at a city hall council meeting. I sat towards the back of the chambers and had a difficult time hearing and understanding her.  Frankly, I found her a bit over my head. Hopefully, we'll see more of Shin Yu Pai in a better setting as we get closer to the summer. 

You can find a full description of Shin's background here.  She has impressive credentials.

Bob Yoder


Paige Norman said...

I'll admit I don't get out to a lot of the art events in Redmond, but I remember when she was sworn in as the Laureate. She lives in Ballard (my point is not in Redmond, not even on the Eastside). Can we not find someone from REDMOND to represent us as the Poet Laureate? Her credentials are impressive but what's the point of having a Poet Laureate represent our City if

Bob Yoder said...

I feel the same about the city's outdoor art, Paige