Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Expect increases in solid waste bills

Redmond, WA – The City of Redmond is reminding residents of possible changes in their solid waste bills. As announced last August, the City negotiated a new solid waste contract with Waste Management. Along with increased collection options, customers may also have experienced increases to their solid waste bills. Beginning January 1, 2016, residential rates increased between 13% and 20%, depending on container size. Read More >>

Over the past 11 years, Redmond customers have benefited from garbage rates that were among the lowest in the region. These rates did not increase beyond the rate of inflation, even as Waste Management’s operations and processing costs outpaced it. Consequently, garbage rates increased under the new contract, but they will not rise more than 2.8% each year for the next four years nor exceed the rate of inflation for the next ten years of the new contract.

The contract also incorporates additional benefits for customers. One benefit is increased recycling capacity for commercial and multifamily customers from 150% to 200% of garbage capacity. Another is the ability to order a small, 25-gallon food + compostables container for customers who live in a townhome or cottage-style units with limited yard space. 

In addition to collecting garbage, recycling and food + compostables from Redmond homes, businesses, and multifamily properties, Waste Management continues to provide service to City facilities, parks, street cans, and community events. 

You can view garbage rates at wmnorthwest.com/redmond/ or call Waste Management at (800) 592-9995 with questions about your solid waste services or bill. For specific questions about recycling, contact solidwaste@redmond.govor call the City’s recycling specialists at (425) 556-2832. 

For questions and more information, contact Eberley Barragán, Solid Waste Program Administrator, at ebarragan@redmond.gov or (425) 556-2832. 

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