A Redmond resident wrote a
September 11 Letter to the Editor saying that “ John Marchione single
handily convinced our state representatives to find money for the recently
completed $10 million restoration project on lower Bear Creek.” This statement is a complete
Here’s how it played out:
A citizen sent pictures of flooding on 520 to Finance Chair
Representative Ross Hunter.
Councilmembers Kim Allen, Richard Cole, and Nancy McCormick traveled to
Olympia to lobby Ross for funding of the lower Bear Creek restoration. Ross Hunter was impressed by the pictures and
the lobbying and called Representative Deb Eddy who contacted the Washington
Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for funding. Councilmember Hank Myers also had a long
conversation with WSDOT. John Marchione
may have had some input at that point – I don’t know – but the accomplishment
involved more than his sole participation.
The citizen’s Letter also erroneously stated the Bear Creek restoration
was a $10 million project when in fact it was a $12 million dollar project with
the City of Redmond contributing only $2 million. The citizen slanted his Letter to favor
Marchione’s campaign. We should give our
councilmembers and state representatives credit where credit is due. The Bear
Creek restoration project was much more than Marchione’s doing.
Pam and Bob Yoder
1 comment:
Thanks for this insight, Pam! I agree that a lot of the Marchione press that is coming out this week is highly biased. The letters to the editor in yesterday's Reporter seemed to be written by people hand-picked by his re-election team.
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