Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Kathy Lambert to continue as Chair of County Council, Law, Justice, Health and Human Services Committee

Completion on 2014 Council reorganization includes appointments
to Budget and Transportation committees 
Metropolitan King County Councilmember Kathy Lambert will remain Chair of the Council’s Law, Justice, Health and Human Services Committee as the Council completes its yearly reorganization with the appointment of the chairs of the Council’s standing committees.
“I enjoy chairing the Law, Justice, Health and Human Services Committee as the issues we cover are ones that are important to King County and to me personally. Public Safety is one of our core responsibilities of county government and I’m privileged to serve in this area,” said Lambert.  Read More >>
In addition to chairing the Law, Justice, Health and Human Services Committee,
Lambert will also serve on a number of Council committees:
·       Budget and Fiscal Management,
·       Committee of the Whole,
·       Transportation, Economy and Environment,
·       Regional Policy,
·       Employment and Administration,
·       King County Board of Health.

In addition to chairing the Law, Justice, Health and Human Services Committee, Councilmember Lambert is also Vice Chair of Budget and Fiscal Management and serves on the Budget Leadership Team, and as Vice Chair of the King County Board of Health.
The Board of Health is a committee on which Councilmember Lambert is especially pleased to be a member. She says, “This committee covers fascinating topics and provides ways and research to help keep people safe and healthy.”

In addition, Lambert will also serve on the outside committees of the King County Ferry District, King County Flood Control District and District Executive Board, and be the Vice Chair of the King County Transportation Benefit District, the three separate governments that focus on issues of flood control, the King County Water Taxi, and issues concerning Metro Transit and roads in King County.
Law, Justice, Health and Human Services — Chair
Considers and makes recommendations on policies relating to public safety, criminal justice and emergency management. Makes policy recommendations relating to public health, human services and housing programs, including the implementation of the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Action Plan and the Veterans and Human Services Levy.
Budget and Fiscal Management— Vice Chair
Develops the Council’s policy direction for the King County Budget, and makes recommendations on the County’s structural funding gap and capital and operating budget appropriations.  Lambert will also be a member of the Council’s Budget Leadership Team (BLT) for the County Budget deliberations.
2014 County Council Committee Assignments
Committee of the Whole: Hague, Chair, McDermott, Vice Chair. All Councilmembers serve on the Committee.
Budget and Fiscal Management: McDermott, Chair, Lambert Vice Chair.
Members: Dembowski, Hague, Upthegrove
Transportation, Economy and Environment: Dembowski, Chair, Hague, Vice Chair.
Members: Lambert, McDermott, Phillips, Upthegrove, von Reichbauer.
Law, Justice Health and Human Services: Lambert, Chair, Dembowski, Vice Chair.
Members: Gossett, McDermott 
Regional Policy Committee: von Reichbauer, Chair
Members: Gossett, Lambert, McDermott (Alternate)

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