Monday, November 18, 2013

EvergreenHealth raises Regular Property Tax Levy .68% in 2014

UPDATED:  The EvergreenHealth Board of Commissioners signed Resolution 859-13 authorizing a .68% increase in the Regular Property Tax Levy for 2014.  The 2013 Levy of $15,823,178 will increase $106,999 to $15,930,177 in 2014.  In addition, taxpayers will pay $8,733,350 in 2014 for the Excess Property Tax Levy that was passed in May 18, 2004 to serve debt for the Silver Tower and ER.

Allocations to community-based programs increased 2% over last year.  33% of total levy taxes are allocated to community-based programs while the remaining 67% is allocated to debt services in paying off the Silver Tower and campus ER facilities. 

Healthline is by far the largest community-based program at $2,133,225.  Healthline is the organization's 24/7 nurse triage phone line, physician referral line and call center for health class registrations. 

Senior Health for treating patients with dementia and behavioral health is second in dollars allocated at $1,725,951.   Community Health Education ($470,500) provides the annual health fair, various educational seminars, safety and wellness classes.  CHATT ($392,218) supports clients facing barriers to accessing healthcare services with social workers.  Notably, $30,000 is allocated to the three school districts within EvergreenHealth's district.  The hospital district supports several other lesser programs.

Reported By Bob Yoder      


Anonymous said...

In my opinion EvergreenHealth has critical mass and should not have to rely on taxpayer monies to fund growth (ER and Silver Tower). At one time when it was a small community hospital it needed tax support to thrive but today at 200 plus beds it can make it on it's own like Swedish, Overlake and the others. There is no need for a levy increase this year, however small.

Anonymous said...

Taking taxes to pay for physician referral services doesn't seem right either. This taxing district is an anachronism.