Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Who is the the Lake Washington Citizens Levy Committee?

The Lake Washington Citizens Levy Committee has a goal of raising $80,000 by the local PTA units by September, 2013.  A capital levy or bond is in the planning stages for 2014.
Who We Are
Lake Washington Citizens Levy Committee (LWCLC) includes parents, community members, and school volunteers working together to unite the communities of Kirkland, Redmond and Sammamish to support our schools. It is a grassroots, citizen-based organization founded in the 1970′s to promote quality education for all our children. LWCLC informs voters about school levy and bond elections and directs efforts toward ensuring their passage.

We provide factual information to our communities on school-related issues that meet our mission of advocacy and education about public schools. We provide a unique voice for citizens who care about our public schools.

Our Relationship to the District

School districts in Washington State are prevented by state law from spending your tax dollars to promote levies and bonds. In fact, school employees cannot spend district time nor even use district resources, such as e-mail, for this purpose.

However, a volunteer citizens group can! LWCLC was created to fill the role of promoting levies and bonds that we felt were necessary in order to provide quality education in our community. We operate independently of the Lake Washington School District.   Read More >>

How We Are Funded

LWCLC is a Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC)-registered C1/C3 organization. We receive our funding entirely from private donations from individuals, local PTA units and the Lake Washington PTSA Council, businesses, and community service organizations.

How Donations Are Spent

Donations fund materials that communicate the value that these levies and bonds bring to our community: postcard mailings and postage, advertisements, flyers, buttons, yard signs, and other promotional items and activities. Committee members donate their time and out-of-pocket expenses – LWCLC employs no staff nor compensates volunteers.

To request information, share ideas, offer observations, volunteer your time and expertise, or mail a donation:

Email: info@vote4lwsdkids.org

Mailing Address: Lake Washington Citizens Levy Committee, 10604 NE 38th Place, Suite 212,
Kirkland, WA 98033

Telephone: In order to keep costs low, LWCLC does not maintain an office or phone number.

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