Saturday, December 29, 2012

Looking back on seven years at Redmond Neighborhood Blog - moving forward

Bob Yoder, Editor
Reminiscing in December 29, 2012 about the direction of my blog

EDITORIAL:  As another year comes to an end, I'm looking back to 7 years of publishing this blog and am thankful for those readers who have benefited from the community news and local government reporting that is so hard to find these days.   Up until the last year I've been able to post original stories every 2-3 days and from the looks of my th stat counter, the word of my blog got around.  In fact, I stopped distribution by email two years ago.  Now, I'm entering a  new phase of blogging where I report original stories less often because my life demands it.   But, I'm just as passionate about Greater Redmond and making sure my readers get the inside scoop on city, school district, and hospital district government news.  So stay tuned and you will be rewarded. 

Some of the biggest changes in Redmond are it's urban growth and the challenges that come along with it.   As I age, I remind myself I need to be more adaptive and accepting to these changes.   With Tent City planned in the St Jude school neighborhood for the 4th time in 6 years we must live yet again with the reminder of homelessness at a time we see homeless on almost every major street corner.  I've written the city to find a different city location for a change but it takes more than one voice.  Good news:  the city is responsive to a good argument.

Fortunately, it looks like the economy is starting to show some life and the school district may have enhanced support for their planned 2014 levy.  District leaders need to show the voters a good plan for expansion to adjust for severe overcrowding (and under-utilization) in many of their schools.  Having a stronger economy and a good, transparent plan to limit portables will help our district fund and adequately accommodate our school children.

EvergreenHealth hospital and medical center has made big strides in their governance process during this blog's watch but there's still some work to be done.

I will continue to aggregate news stories I think are special or are overlooked by the local press.  I can usually find short pieces that only take a few moments of my day to post them.   So my blog is now more of a hobby than an avocation and I can get on with the important things of my life like family, work, and friends.   But, I don't want to lose you when something big comes up, so stay tuned.   Often it's a letter from a reader that moves the traffic and pushes the post into the "Most Popular" column on the sidebar. 

Best Wishes to you all in the year ahead,

Bob Yoder

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