Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Transplanting Group Health plants to Marymoor BirdLoop

A few of the plants that will be transplanted at Marymoor BirdLoop 
These plants from Group Health were all transplanted to Marymoor BirdLoop on January 5

 About 30 community volunteers salvaged 670 native plants last month from the old Group Health site in Redmond. This Saturday (January 5) we had work for at least as many volunteers as we put the plants into the ground on the Audubon BirdLoop at Marymoor Park. Reusing the ferns, mahonia, and salal at Marymoor will improve cover and food sources for the park's birds and other wildlife.
 Work started at 8 a.m. and continued until 2 PM.  About 40 remaining plants were planted the following month.
 I'm attaching a self-portrait by our photographer, Mick Thompson, who stands amid a relative few of the plants we transplanted this Saturday. Clearly it was a big job.

Reported by Bob Yoder

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