Friday, January 27, 2012

Redmond and Kirkland councilmembers volunteer to count unsheltered homeless

(l-r) John Stilin (red), David Carson, Penny Sweet, Hank Margeson, Pat Vache' (red), Hank Myers, Toby Nixon (back)
"Last night was the "One Night Count" where the community goes out and counts how many homeless people we have in our cities so that we can raise awareness of the problem of homelessness. Hank and others went out in the middle of the night to do this, so proud of all of them."
   -- Patti Margeson

These Redmond/Kirkland volunteers are all city councilmembers.  Penny Sweet and Toby Nixon are from Kirkland.  John Stilin, David Carson, Hank Margeson (V.P.)  Pat Vache' (Pres.), Hank Myers are from Redmond.  Thank you for your service to our community councilmembers!!

2012 Results for the Eastside:  138 unsheltered homeless.  Of those, 52 were found inside cars and trucks.

1 comment:

Bob Yoder said...

This picture came from Patti Margeson's FaceBook and was approved by Patti.