Saturday, January 28, 2012

McKenna, Facebook and spam; $90K tech salaries

Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna is putting the resources and expertise of his office behind a problem that is plaguing social media giant Facebook: spam that is targeting Facebook members.

This week: McKenna, Facebook and spam; $90K tech salaries:

Feisty fights over online spam, rising tech salaries, Apple earnings and a few major deals dominated the news this week.

Washington state Attorney General Rob McKenna has teamed up with Facebook to fight spam that targets Facebook uses -- a.k.a. clickjacking -- by lobbing suits against Adscend Media LLC, a Delaware-based online ad network.  Read More >>

Photo:  PSBJ photo/Anthony Bolante

1 comment:

Bob Yoder said...

In 2010, the City of Redmond police and fire worker salary (including benefits) averaged $122,395/year. This average includes the Chiefs, Commanders, and Fire Marshall's salary on down.

The TIMES recently quoted the average firefighter salary in the $45K or about $58K/year including benefits.