Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stewart - The choice on Nov 8th

Stewart - The choice on Nov 8th

Sue Stewart
 As the days of the campaign draw to an end, some may be wondering what are the differences between Sue Stewart and my opponent. Is the incumbent a safe bet or is Sue Stewart the better candidate for Redmond?

For 15 years I have served the community of Redmond, often in partnership with representatives of our business community. My opponent, through his endorsements, would have you believe that he is the only pro-business candidate in this race. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that I understand and value the role of business in our city and the benefits these entities bring to our community. In recent discussions about the neighborhood commercial process, my opponent resisted the additional requirements for community input. Neighborhood Commercial has great potential for bringing small businesses to the edge of our neighborhoods but I believe that the size, scope, and esthetics of these establishments have to be thoroughly vetted with the neighbors.  Read More >>

I understand and support our budget by priorities process. I was a citizen representative in 2008 that developed budget proposals to Council after carefully evaluating each proposal and weighing how they fulfilled that priority. My priority was Public Safety. For example, the Resource Officer was restored at our schools by listening and responding to the community’s concerns.

As a neighborhood advocate and community volunteer, I bring a needed set of skills and knowledge to position #7. I will represent the entire community of Redmond and will never support an action that diminishes the voices of those who live here.

Source:  Sue Stewart's website
Candidate Redmond City Council #7

1 comment:

Bob Yoder said...

Thank you for this post. I like this!