The "Community of Excellence Project" is referred to in city documents as:
- a "complete Live, Work, Play and Learn community....of diverse businesses, quality schools, state-of-the-art healthcare, gate way ports to the world economy, commitment to environment sustainability and excellent quality of life..."
- the Project is a collaborative effort between the City, "Realize Redmond", the Chamber and "Redmond Economic Development. Alliance" (REDA)
Councilmember John Stilin said "he felt at a total loss to know what did and didn't work and where we were going with the investments." Councilmember Myers indicated the four organizations appeared to be marching in the same direction but four separate lines. President Cole wanted someone "paid full time to compete..." Councilmember Allen said there was "no touch-back to Realize Redmond, no single point of contact, no one to talk to."
"Vache' agreed with Ms. Allen saying "One Redmond Initiative" addresses her points. He responded the economic plan involves "a hefty budget" (1), and from that, "we found out the community is not willing to support 4-5 organizations to [ask the community for funding]." Stilin stated, "I'm not sure that we're competing. Cities that do a good job really have these groups integrated together" [and attract].
Mayor John Marchione summarized action steps he was asking of Council: 1) to ask Council to endorse the concept of One Redmond Initiative, 2) to begin consultant efforts to test the document with 40-60 stakeholders, and 3) ask council to take formal action on the revised plan by the end of October.
Mr. Myers clarified in their next meeting Council will (or will not) act to endorse the market test document to begin asking the questions. Council meets tonight at 7:30. Please post your comments and feedback?
Reported by Bob Yoder
(1) The city's "hefty budget" breakdown is : a) $105,500 (of $300,000) to contract with "Angelou Economics" of Austin Texas to develop a "Strategic Plan for Economic Development" on 5/19/2009, b) $50,000 to start-up "The Redmond Foundation" (Realize Redmond) to raise funds for the Downtown Park, c) *$50,000 [from the "Economic Development Plan" budget] to REDA's consultant to prepare a feasability study on joint fundraising with the four groups, May 3, 2011, d) $194,500 remains from the original $300,000 of the Economic Development Plan" established in the 2009-10 Budget.
Ref: Document AM No. 09-096 (5/3/11), AM No. 11-098 (5/19/09)
* REDA consultant: $40,000 contract, $10,000 ongoing expense (per Mayor)
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