Sunday, June 5, 2011

LWSD Board approves meeting notification policy for online media

ATTN: Online media serving the Lake Washington School District and district residents,

LWSD is notifying newspapers of meeting agendas and meeting scheduling changes. The Board approved policy in May, 2011 to include online media in the notification process upon request  to Diane Jenkins, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent".  This is a new Governance Process policy voted by consent agenda in May, 2011 and implemented by the District.

Kathryn Reith, Communications Director of LWSD emailed Redmond Neighborhood Blog on June 1:
"On meeting notification, Diane Jenkins is in charge of the [meeting] notification list while I’m in charge of the general media list, which you are on.  I have checked with Diane Jenkins: she faxes agendas and any information on meeting date or time changes [eg. Hearings, 1st Reading of the Budget, Regular Board meetings, and possibly Linkage, and Community meetings] to the Seattle Times, Kirkland Reporter, Redmond Reporter and Sammamish Review [newspapers]. Would you like to be added to the fax list?"
Yes!  The following online media servicing LWSD should contact Ms. Jenkins to be added to the  notification list: Kirkland Views, Kirkland Weblog,,, American, Seattle PI,,  My/ and others.  Ms. Jenkins' email is:

Reported By Bob Yoder

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