Thursday, June 2, 2011

LW School District PTSA Special Needs Resources for the summer

from the desk of Julie Shalaby...
LWSD PTSA Special Needs Chairperson

"I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Holiday!  Below, are many resources for you"
  •  FEAT of Washington: Experience Learning Project (ELP)
  •  Volunteers Needed to Help Kids with Special Needs Be Safer
  •  Future Planning from the Arc of King County - June 4
  • Summer day care for teenagers with disabilities
  • Advocating for Change Together (ACT) - A Local Leadership Development Program· UW Autism Center Summer Activities
  • Drama Program for Children with Autism: Stone Soup Theatre 

FEAT of Washington: Experience Learning Project (ELP)

The Experience Learning Project (ELP), a summer service learning program for teens with HFA and Asperger's, still has several spots open. We have extended the application deadline!

Teens who enroll in ELP enjoy improvements in social thinking and social problem solving, as well as personal goal setting and communication. ELP teens gain experience volunteering in a variety of contexts, from kitchens to crafts to customer service at human service- oriented organizations. In addition to working hard, ELP teens also plan fun, teen- directed activities. Past activities have included hiking, kayaking, hanging out at the mall, swimming or going to Pike's Place Market.

ELP runs July 11th- August 15th and teens may enroll in two, three or all four weeks of the program. For more information, please email me at

*Volunteers Needed to Help Kids with Special Needs Be Safer *Savvy Parents Safe Kids is looking for parents and professionals who have or work with children with special needs to help create specialized child safety curriculum for parents of special needs children (with a focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder).

Savvy Parents Safe Kids is looking to gather input from parents of (and professionals who work with) children with special needs in order to develop a workshop that will be highly effective in addressing how to keep our kids safer. The workshop will be intended to help parents/professionals learn strategic tips and tools to reduce children with special needs from child sexual abuse and will also address other concerns regarding personal safety for these kids and their caregivers.

If you, or someone you know, might be interested in participating in this focus group, please email Kim Estes at  . You can also learn more about the works Savvy Parents Safe Kids is doing on my website


Future Planning from the Arc of King County

Free Education for Parents and Educators!

Saturday, June 4th 9am - 5pm

9:00- 10:15 am
Creative Housing Conversations Pam Blanton Consultant Partners4Housing
10:30-11:45 am
Guardianship Joshua Brothers Attorney at Law Dussault Law Group
12:30- 1:45 pm
Special Needs Trust Denise Redinger Attorney at Law Redinger Law PLLC
2:00- 3:15 pm
Alternatives to Guardianship Charlotte Cassady Attorney at Law Charlotte

Cassady Law
3:30- 4:45 pm
Portfolio (My Special Life Workbook) John James, CDFA Protected Tomorrows
Space Limited RSVP Required
Contact Tracie Diemert at
Or call 425-258-2459 x111

The King County Parent Coalition email list is a program of The Arc of King

The contents of this email are for informational purposes only. Inclusion
in this email should not be viewed as an endorsement by the King County
Parent Coalition or The Arc of King County.

Summer day care for teenagers with disabilities

Northwest Center is preparing to launch our new full-day summer program for teenagers with disabilities on June 27. Serving youth ages 13-21, our center will be open from 7 AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday throughout the summer. Please help us spread the word!

Northwest Center Teens is designed to meet the need of working parents of teens with developmental conditions that require social, emotional and physical supports throughout the day. Our staff will provide a safe and engaging facility along with plenty of opportunities to get out into the community to practice independent living and social skills. We are collaborating with community partners such as the YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, Seattle Parks and others to facilitate a variety of inclusive summer adventures and activities for participants.

The program will offer monthly, weekly, full-time and part-time tuition rates. No one will be turned away based on finances. Scholarships are available to cover any portion of tuition that will best serve each family’s needs and allow participants to pay what they can.

We are close to finalizing a deal for space near downtown Seattle and enrollment will begin very soon. For more information, or to receive an application packet, please contact Bryan Baker  or 206/378-6352.  Northwest Center Teens


Advocating for Change Together (ACT) - A Local Leadership Development Program

Advocating for Change Together (ACT) offers an opportunity to become a better advocate for yourself, a family member, and other people with developmental disabilities. The program embraces the principles of access, inclusion, and self-determination. Please see The Arc of The United States website for a complete listing of position statements:

The purpose of this leadership development program is to:

· Educate people about service systems
· Train people in advocacy
· Build capacity throughout the state
· Develop new leadership in the disability movement

The program consists of six one-and-a-half-day workshops held on Friday night and Saturday in Seattle from September 2011 to May 2012 and a legislative weekend in Olympia. Dates to be announced this summer. Please check the Arc of King County website for updates:

The Leadership Development Program will have a limited enrollment. The Arc of King County will select participants based on, but not limited to, the following criteria:

· The ability to commit to attend all workshops and to complete homework assignments and a community project

Participation of self-advocates and people from other cultures
The age and disability of the person – either the adult self-advocate or the child of a family member
Commitment to advocacy for people to live, learn, work and play in the community.

For more information, contact: Betsy McAlister, 425-882-2010;  or Catalina Angel, 206-619-8459;


UW Autism Center Summer Activities

With the school year winding down and summer nearly upon us, many of you are busy making plans for the warm months. The UW Autism Center has a variety of summer activities planned for you!

· We are again hosting our Summer Training Series for parents and professionals, clock hours will be available. Please see the attached flyers for more details and descriptions on the courses being held or visit our Summer Training Series webpage at:

· We still have a few spots open in our Summer Camp Program during Session 1 (June). If you are interested, please give us a call.

· We are also pleased to sponsor an Early Start Denver Model workshop. The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is an intervention developed by Dr. Sally Rogers and Dr. Geraldine Dawson, and is based on the principles of child development and applied behavior analysis. A recent randomized clinical trial found that ESDM improved outcomes for very young children with ASD. These workshops are intended for professionals but parents and family members are welcome to register for the introductory workshop. CEUs are available. For more information  visit the registration website:  When registering please make sure to select the University of Washington as the training site.

· For those of you living in the South Puget Sound area, the South Sound Autism Partnership wants to hear from you! The South Sound Autism Partnership is a coalition of service providers, advocates, and community members who have joined forces to meet the needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their families. The South Sound Autism Partnership would like to receive feedback regarding the current issues and barriers facing persons with ASD and their families, and what activities the Partnership can provide. Please take the short survey here: .

Please let us know if you have any questions or need additional information on any programs listed. We hope to see you this summer!

Kara Haney
Program Coordinator
UW Autism Center

Information and Resource Line 1.877.408.UWAC
T: 206.685.1272
F: 206.598.7815

CHDD Box 357920 Seattle, WA 98195


Drama Program for Children with Autism: Stone Soup Theatre

Stone Soup Theatre is currently developing a Drama program for children with Autism. We will be running a trial run this summer, which will allow us to investigate teaching methodologies and provide proper training for our teachers. Please find below the information on our program for your perusal. I am wondering if you would be able to make the information of our program accessible to the families you work with. I can prepare a visually more engaging flier for you, should you think that would work best.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Arlene Martinez - Vickers
Outreach Coordinator
Stone Soup Theatre

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