Friday, April 29, 2011

UPDATED: Redmond High School's DECA releases Flamingos for fundraiser

Twenty-four flamingos flocked to our yard yesterday!  By evening our grass was eaten up and creek sucked dry.  They've since departed for greener grazing!
When looking out our window in the early 'morn and all that was seen was pink, we realized our day was going to be just a little different.   Rubbing the sand from our eyes, we rushed outside, barefoot, to see what was the matter and who pulled this prank!   At first glance we were shocked!  The LANGUAGE!   Then came the LAUGHTER, the hilarity, and screams of joy!  How could we be so recognized?  So honored?  and have so much fun?  Who to thank?

An envelope taped on the back of the sign explained everything.  DECA volunteers from Redmond High School are running their "Flock-A-Friend" Fundraiser!  As the "hat passed to us" so did the joke!  Chuckling, we wrote a check to RHS hoping DECA would migrate their well-trained birds to another house; and paid extra to keep them away!  By evening the flamingos had grazed through our lawn and drank our stream dry!  So away they flew!  to an unsuspecting neighbor's lush green landscape.  Insurance anyone?  Contact DECA c/o

By Bob / Pam Yoder
Photo by Yoder
Read More about DECA (click blue link)

About the Redmond High School DECA Flock-a-Friend Fundraiser

March 22nd thru April 30th Redmond High School DECA will be “Flocking” houses to raise funds to help pay the travel expenses for 19 DECA students competeing at the International Career Development Conference in Louisville, Kentucky April 23rd -28th. Please show your support of these students by donating to have your friend’s house “flocked”. Anti-flocking insurance ($25) is available and highly reccomended for those of you who would like to keep the flamingos off your lawn or keep them from coming back.
   -- DECA Flock-a-Friend Fundraiser FACEBOOK Page

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