Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Microsoft leads Redmond community in relief efforts to Japan

The City of Redmond says:

"Microsoft is making an initial commitment of $2 million, which includes $250,000 in cash as well as in-kind contributions. In addition to its many other efforts, Microsoft is also reaching out to customers, local government, inter-government and nonprofit agencies to support relief efforts.

The American Red Cross has once again launched a texting campaign to raise money for relief efforts in the Pacific region. Last year, the Red Cross was able to raise over $20 million for Haiti relief through simple text donations.  To donate to the American Red Cross for Japan Earthquake Relief, text RED CROSS to 90999. Each text will provide $10 towards the Red Cross’s humanitarian efforts.

The Red Cross has also launched a campaign on Causes to raise at least $25,000 for relief efforts. By logging in to Facebook, you can donate anywhere from $10 to $500 to help Tsunami victims and their families."

Contact your favorite charity to ask how you can help. 

Opinion by Yoder

Source:  City of Redmond, Press Release.

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