Monday, March 7, 2011

"The Legacy for Learning" luncheon and more!


The Lake Washington Schools Foundation in Redmond, WA is pleased to announce its sixth annual A Legacy for Learning Luncheon on April 20 at Juanita High School.  Keynote speaker is Dr. Bonnie J. Dunbar, recently retired President and CEO of the Museum of Flight and veteran of five space shuttle mission.

This event is fun, informative, and brief (register from 11 to 11:15 AM, out by 12:30 PM), and comes with plenty of parking, good food, and good friends. Consider being a Table Captain and inviting up to nine education supporters to join you. Please contact Lisa Wylie. Smaller table groups are welcome, too. This year you can register on-line! The event is free but we suggest a contribution of $150 or more. Over the last six years, your donations have provided over $700,000 in grants to the students in our District.


There has been a lot of news lately about our state budget and the deep cuts proposed for our colleges and universities.  READ MORE >>

Parents can learn more through a series of community conversations around the state hosted by the College Promise Coalition, where this subject and its potential impact on families will be addressed. One of those meetings will take place at Bellevue College on March 10th from 9:30-11:00 AM. Leading this conversation will be KING 5's Lori Matsukawa and community leaders Brad Smith, Microsoft; David Horsey, Seattle; Mary Jean Ryan, Community Center for Education Results; Ed Taylor, University of Washington; and Nate Miles, Eli Lilly. For more information and to RSVP, visit the College Promise web site.

MUSTANG NEWS, week of 3/7
& Peg Hunt of the Lake Washington Schools Foundation

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