Sunday, January 30, 2011

Development of the St. George Coptic Orthodox Church

January, 3, 2017 update:   Construction of the Church was completed in 2016.  It's located in Kirkland.  

Background information, 2011:

The recent crisis in Egypt and Seattle rally reminded me of the growing Egyptian resident population in Redmond.  Samiha Korshed is an influential Egyptian resident of Redmond.  She was cited in the Seattle Times:

"An estimated 1,500 - 2,000 Egyptian natives and family members live in the Seattle area, said Samiha Korshed of Redmond, who runs a social-network group for local Egyptians.  Kroshed likened the movement in her homeland  to the American Revolution.  She said the American government should not come to Mubarak's aid.  "I want to ask every American how they would feel if another country told them who their leaders should be."
  -- Josef Federman, AP, Seattle Times, 1-20-11.


Below is my November 22, 2009 report of the Christian Egyptians in Redmond.  They were trying to build a church on Rose Hill:  

Over 250 Russian and Egyptian citizens turned-out at the recent City Hall meeting of Nov. 2009

The last City Council meeting (11/17/09) could be labeled "organized chaos," or "history in the making." For Mayor John Marchione it was a home run. Probably, close to 300 citizens showed up. One of Marchione's Budget priorities is to "build a sense of community and connections with others." The Russians had issues with the city about a large office park next to Sears.

Christian Egyptian Church Site awaiting
sewer hook-up to Redmond
More than half of the attendees were from St. George Coptic Orthodox Church - a growing, peaceful community of Christian Egyptians seeking freedom in America from religious prosecution.

The church members came to Council seeking a sewer line extension-exception to service their proposed NE Redmond church. The project site is on county land planned for annexation. The annexation currently has 59% election approval: it needs 60% approval for annexation into Redmond.

Councilmember Richard Cole laid the hammer down referring to Redmond's long-standing urban growth boundary policy denying city sewer extensions into the County.  Mayor Marchione summed up the Council's decision stating:

"We welcome the St. George Coptic Church into the community, but this in not the vehicle in which to do it. The vehicle is through annexation."

Paul bought the lot next door to escape
the intersection traffic and gain better
access to NE 132nd Ave.  He lives
across the street from the church.  
UPDATE:  1/30/2011 -   I talked to Paul Paxhia today. His family lives right across from the church site on NE 100 St.  Church ingress and egress is on NE 100th Street adjacent his home.  Paul said the city annexed the county land  ("by a hair's margin")  about 6-8 months ago and it could take years for a sewer line extension.  In the meantime, without access to sewer, the Coptic church land remains idle.   Paul and three neighbors didn't sign the annexation petition owing to issue with severe traffic congestion on the intersection of 132nd Avenue NE and NE 100 Street. 

Report and photos by Bob Yoder

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