Saturday, January 1, 2011

Old news, but Good news: Governor Christine Gregoire Proclaimed December 5-11, 2010 Civil Air Patrol Week!

Redmond Overlake CAP Cadet Honor Guard at Safeco. Cadets meet at LWSD Headquarters every Tuesday, 6:45-9PM
Overlake Cadet Squadron Facebook:
Governor Christine Gregoire signed a proclamation last week, making December 5-11, 2010 Civil Air Patrol Week. Local Contact:  Mike Holliday  Read More >>

The Washington Wing of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), an auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, has over 1400 members state-wide who participate in Search and Rescue, Homeland Security, Aerospace Education, and youth leadership programs.

On Dec. 4, 1941, just days before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, CAP was born as a civilian air defense organization tasked with patrolling the eastern and southern border during WWII. Soon after CAP pilots began their flights, however, they found their job had grown to include rescues at sea of victims from German submarine attacks. When one pilot spotted a German sub and was helpless to keep it from escaping, CAP aircraft began carrying bombs and depth charges. After WWII, CAP transitioned to become the non-combatant civilian organization it is today.  Read More >>

Washington State has benefitted tremendously from the activities and training provided by CAP. Our squadrons have participated in many Search and Rescue missions, looking for both missing people and aircraft. CAP pilots and observers flew observation missions and transported equipment and people during the aftermath of the Mt. St. Helens eruption, and they logged hundreds of volunteer hours after the floods experienced by our communities. The members of CAP train many hours to be available should the need arise. Not only does that allow them to be ready to aid their communities, it teaches each member both practical and leadership techniques that will allow them to become leaders in their communities.

Cadets in CAP, ages twelve to eighteen, have the opportunity to learn about Aerospace through the CAP program. All cadets are afforded the opportunity to have orientation flights in both glider and powered aircraft. Some cadets have gone further to obtain a private pilot’s license or become pilots in the Armed Services. Others have attended CAP encampments to begin a career in aerospace engineering or the space program. All cadets also train in leadership, drill and ceremony, safety, and emergency services. They are then provided opportunities to use those concepts within the organization.

Civil Air Patrol is an organization which benefits the community in a variety of ways and gives volunteers ways to learn new skills. Adults and young people alike find that CAP allows them to train in a many different areas, and that training, in turn, will allow them to grow and become stronger both as individuals and as leaders.

Press Release, 12/1/2010
For more information, go to  or
Telephone: 360-880-4553

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