Monday, January 24, 2011

Capital Projects Levy Voter's Pamphlet!

24-hour ballot drop box open now
at Redmond City Hall
 Lake Washington School District paid $17,000 for a Voter's Pamphlet to help educate the voters on the levy for "overcrowding".  When you open your ballot, if you look really hard, you will find the phamplet text on the back side of the purple Fact Sheet. 

For your convenience, the text and audio versions of the Voter's Phamplet are linked below:

Audio: Voter's Pamphlet - "Statement in Favor" of Proposition No. 1, Capital Projects Levy (No Statement in opposition filed.)

Text: Voter's Pamphlet - "Statement in Favor" of Proposition No. 1, Capital Projects Levy (No Statement in opposition filed.)

Please forward this phamplet to your neighbors or tell them where they can find it.

Reported by Yoder

February 8, midnight deadline for voting by post
February 8, 8PM deadline for voting by drop box

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