Tuesday, January 25, 2011

UPDATED: President Pendergrass explains some of the "jobs and duties" of the School Board

"The job of the Board is to represent the citizens and to lead the organization by asking critical questions and by determining and demanding appropriate and excellent organizational performance." (LWSD By-Laws)

January 24, Regular meeting notes: 
In the January 24 School Board Meeting, Jackie Pendergrass was re-elected President and Ravi Shahani was re-elected Vice President by thel Board.

Just prior to the Consent Agenda (passed unanymously), President Pendergrass expressed, "I guess for our pubic", some comments about the jobs and duties of the school board, as follows:

"...none of us really has a power as a Board Director"

"...being President for this organization is really helping to run the agenda, the meetings that we have and then being avaibalble to discuss anything they (the Board members) have that may come up..."

"...we can't make decisions on our own that represent the Board, especially in our business"

"...we certainly represent the community and we listen to the community but we can't make decisions on our own, it takes the majority of the board..."

No one explained how the Board  represents the community as a single entity or as individuals.

Pres. Pendergrass and Dir. Bernard indivdually co-authored a Letter to local media outlets, yesterday advocating the levy.  It wasn't signed by all the Directors.

Watch and listen to President Pendergrass's entire talk (before the Consent Agenda) here

Reported By Bob Yoder
Photo By Yoder
Source:  Regular meeting of the School Board, 1/24 - personal attendence and video archive.

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