Redmond Police Chief, hired this April, is Eager to Hear From Residents.
UPDATE: On December 23 the City changed the red-light start day from January 1 to February 1 so as "not to keep the citizens off guard" and offer more education on the issue.
City press release...
CITY UPDATE: "The Redmond Senior Center (RSC) First Friday Coffee Chat on January 7 from 10 to 11am will feature Police Chief Ron Gibson and Commander Shari Shovlin. This is the time to get acquainted with Redmond’s new Chief and learn his philosophy of policing. Chief Gibson is also anxious to learn from residents as to their concerns and suggestions. Email:
Commander Shari Shovlin will be on hand to discuss the new Traffic Safety (Red Light) Camera Pilot Program that will begin on February 1, 2011. The chat takes place in the Fireplace Lounge of RSC, 8703 160th Avenue NE.
The First Friday Coffee Chats occur on the first Friday of every month. Future guests include Teresa Kluver, an arborist for the City and Patrick Hirsch, manager of the City’s cable television channels.
Registration for First Friday Coffee Chats is not necessary. For more information on the program, call 425-556-2314. Complementary refreshments provided by Aegis of Redmond."
City Press Release
Links Courtesy of RNB
Welcome aboard, Chief! We have a great city, and you come with excellent credentials. It sounds like a perfect match. We are please you are joining the team.
Chief Gibson was confirmed in April with many KUDOS from Council (click on first link of this post for my April story). The Chief's January 7 Chat will be his first interface with citizens on a VERY hot issue. I encourage everyone to attend his January talk. I won't miss this one!
RNB COMMENT: On Tuesday, December 21 the city notified the Redmond Reporter and KIRO about their last minute holiday change in red-light start times from Jan. 1 to Feb. 1. RNB was not notified or recieve a press release. I called the Mayor's Secretary to verify what I read, second hand, and request all press releases. I advised her to correct the dFocus announcement if possible.
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