Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Redmond Ranked Best Places to Raise Your Kids: 2010


Redmond is ranked one of the best places to raise your kid in 2010 by Business Week

Affordability, safety*, and school test scores were given the greatest weight. The complete story on Redmond is here

The selections were limited to towns that have at least 45,000 residents and a median income of between $40,000 and $125,000.   The data we used included school performance, number of schools, household expenditures, crime rates, air quality, job growth, family income, museums, parks, theaters, other amenities, and diversity.

contributed by:  Kathryn Reith, Communications Director, LWSD.
announced by:  Councilmember Hank Margeson in recent Council meetings.


Anonymous said...

Not such a plug for Redmond. Redmond ranks 48 out of 50 and Scranton is 39. LOL

Anonymous said...

Not such a plug for Redmond. Redmond ranks 48 out of 50 and Scranton is 39. LOL