Thursday, January 21, 2010

January donations to Lake Washington District schools total $73,516,18

UPDATED:  Superintendent Chip Kimball announced donations of  $73,516.18 by groups and individuals to Lake Washington schools for the month of January.   He announces school donations at School Board meetings.  The complete donation report is found in the January 11 School Board video archive packet. 
The largest donation was a $20,000 anonymous grant to the Environmental Adventure SchoolEnvironmental Adventure School is a Lake Washington District "Choice" school
Eight elementary schools received the most PTSA donations, totaling $36,378.  Three high schools received "Booster Club" donations for sports supplies or participation fees.  (Participation fees in LWSD are now $275 per sport per student.)   Kirkland Junior High recieved a $5,836.94 donation from Lake Washington Schools Foundation for a science grant.
Donors designated their gifts to various causes, including:  student council stipends, before-school reading programs. curriculum materials, field trips, playground and sporting equipment, professional development, library books, outdoor education, stage lighting, Math is Cool, dance workshops, and more. 
posted by Bob Yoder


Kathryn Reith said...

The ranking you cite is actually for International Community School, another one of the district's Choice Schools. Environmental and Adventure School (EAS) serves students in grades six through nine and is not eligible for the national high school rankings. There are, however, plans to expand EAS by adding grades 10-12. Those plans depend on passage of the bond measure that is on the February 9 ballot. So perhaps you were making a prediction about EAS's future.

Kathryn Reith
Communications Director

Bob Yoder said...

Thanks for your ever-watchful eye. I've updated the piece. Good point about another benefit a passage of the bond/levy measure will bring.