Updated: Opinion: Though the goal of I-1033 is to lower property taxes, the School Board resolved that the measure would prevent the District from making new investments and undermine funding into the future. Under I-1033, State funding for basic education to LWSD would be cut by approximately $17.5 million by 2015.
During last night's October 26 School Board Meeting, President Jackie Pendergrass (left) read Resolution 2043 declaring the Board of Directors' NO position on I-1033. The Mail-Only Election is only a week away! Their public deliberation, decision and resolution, though helpful, comes a little late to the voters.
During the 10/12 Regular Board Meeting two weeks go, Superintendent Kimball advised the Board that $17.5 Million would be cut from LWSD funding by 2018 if I-1033 passed. This cut would translate into a loss of 219 teachers and a 7 student increase in class size. Despite Kimball's 10/12 advisory, the Board did not vote on a resolution owing to a procedural question; and it appeared they weren't prepared with a resolution in hand. (I attended this meeting and made public comment).
The Superintendent stated "Public Comment" from both sides of the issues had to be requested and put on record for a resolution to pass. I'm not sure why the Board President didn't know this. President Pendergrass invited the Public to comment only one time. And just one public comment was made (by Ms. Lewis.) Pendergrass stated no emails were received on the issue. (I sent two emails to the District last week suggesting NO on I-1033.)
In last night's 10/26 Regular meeting, Superintendent Kimball led the conversation saying by 2015 State cash receipts would be reduced by approximately $5.9 Billion if I-1033 passed. I-1033 would cut $17.5 million from LWSD basic education funding by 2015.
District #5 Director Shahani and Vice President weighed in saying I-1033 appeals to the voters' wish for lower property taxes but the measure is a "huge mistake" that takes advantage of the public's short term needs vs. the long term hurt caused by loss of revenues. Mr. Shahani said it doesn't make a lot of sense to use inflation as a guide when teacher's salary growth is much higher than inflation. Shahani lives in Redmond.
District #4 Director Eglington reminded the Board that I-2261 was passed 9 years ago reforming how revenues are generated and allocated. Revenue would be lost by I-1033. I-1033 can be recalled within two years but it's a "rotten way to legislate". Eglington lives in Sammamish.
District #1 Director and President Pendergrass warned I-1033 appears simplistic at first glance but it's impact on government is far more complex and impactful. Pendergrass lives in Kirkland.
District #3 Director Nancy Bernard (Kirkland) was absent from the meeting.
District #2 Director Carson was upset by the "obscene language" of the Initiative. He said measures are supposed to be boring and sober. The Board chuckled. Carson lives in Kirkland.
The meeting was short, lasting 49 minutes. President Pendergrass said this was a "record" and reminded the viewing public of the Directors' time and attendance at the recent Levy/Bond input meetings. Of the three meetings I attended, no Directors were present.
reported by Bob Yoder
During last night's October 26 School Board Meeting, President Jackie Pendergrass (left) read Resolution 2043 declaring the Board of Directors' NO position on I-1033. The Mail-Only Election is only a week away! Their public deliberation, decision and resolution, though helpful, comes a little late to the voters.
During the 10/12 Regular Board Meeting two weeks go, Superintendent Kimball advised the Board that $17.5 Million would be cut from LWSD funding by 2018 if I-1033 passed. This cut would translate into a loss of 219 teachers and a 7 student increase in class size. Despite Kimball's 10/12 advisory, the Board did not vote on a resolution owing to a procedural question; and it appeared they weren't prepared with a resolution in hand. (I attended this meeting and made public comment).
The Superintendent stated "Public Comment" from both sides of the issues had to be requested and put on record for a resolution to pass. I'm not sure why the Board President didn't know this. President Pendergrass invited the Public to comment only one time. And just one public comment was made (by Ms. Lewis.) Pendergrass stated no emails were received on the issue. (I sent two emails to the District last week suggesting NO on I-1033.)
In last night's 10/26 Regular meeting, Superintendent Kimball led the conversation saying by 2015 State cash receipts would be reduced by approximately $5.9 Billion if I-1033 passed. I-1033 would cut $17.5 million from LWSD basic education funding by 2015.
District #5 Director Shahani and Vice President weighed in saying I-1033 appeals to the voters' wish for lower property taxes but the measure is a "huge mistake" that takes advantage of the public's short term needs vs. the long term hurt caused by loss of revenues. Mr. Shahani said it doesn't make a lot of sense to use inflation as a guide when teacher's salary growth is much higher than inflation. Shahani lives in Redmond.
District #4 Director Eglington reminded the Board that I-2261 was passed 9 years ago reforming how revenues are generated and allocated. Revenue would be lost by I-1033. I-1033 can be recalled within two years but it's a "rotten way to legislate". Eglington lives in Sammamish.
District #1 Director and President Pendergrass warned I-1033 appears simplistic at first glance but it's impact on government is far more complex and impactful. Pendergrass lives in Kirkland.
District #3 Director Nancy Bernard (Kirkland) was absent from the meeting.
District #2 Director Carson was upset by the "obscene language" of the Initiative. He said measures are supposed to be boring and sober. The Board chuckled. Carson lives in Kirkland.
The meeting was short, lasting 49 minutes. President Pendergrass said this was a "record" and reminded the viewing public of the Directors' time and attendance at the recent Levy/Bond input meetings. Of the three meetings I attended, no Directors were present.
reported by Bob Yoder
where are the meeting minutes posted? checked www.lwsd.org and couldn't search for board meetings.
Indeed, when searching the web site (www.lwsd.org) there were many unexpected errors. I searched for "board" -- error. I searched for "press" -- error. I search for "1033" -- error.
Got it! The meeting minutes are found by using links (see http://www.lwsd.org/About/School-Board/Board-Meetings/Pages/2008-Minutes.aspx )
The most recent meetings are from August 2009. There is a disclaimer posted: Board minutes are not posted until they are approved; approval occurs at the following meeting and minutes are posted thereafter.
Glad you found the Minutes, but did you find ALL of them. Recently, the Board started taking "Minutes" for their Work Sessions. So look for those, too. These Minutes are expecially important because Work Sessions are held in a back room with no video or audio recordings. When you find them, don't be shocked by their brevity. 2-3 lines is all for a 1 hour + meeting. Of course this is better than nothing -- which is what the Public got until this Fall, when I started reporting on them. 2-3 lines!
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