Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Editorial: The LWSD School Board's "NO" on Initiative 1033 comes a little late.

Updated, 10/28:  As impactful as I-1033 is to Lake Washington School District funding, it sure took the School Board a long time to issue their unanimous "NO" on I-1033 Resolution. 

Do you know, the LWSD School Board didn't sign off on their "NO" resolution until last night, 10/26?   The last voting day is only 7 days away.   The news won't be delivered by the local Reporter newspapers until Saturday!  So, unless you are reading this Blog or visit the District web site, the majority of District voters will only have 3 days to find a paper and study the school board's findings.  Unfortunately, by then, many voters will have already mailed in their ballots!  

Neighboring jurisdictions have planned and announced their Resolution weeks in advance of LWSD: 

9/15 - The City of Redmond Council said NO by resolution on 9/15.

9/15 - The City of Kirkland Council said NO by resolution on 9/15

10/5 - Shoreline District School Board said NO on Resolution #2009-22

10/6 - Snoqualmie School District Board said NO on Resolution #745

10/13 - Northshore School Board said NO on Resolution #605

10/14 - Issaquah School Board said NO, 10/14

10/20 - Bellevue School District Board said NO on Resolution 09-26

10/21 - Ballard School Board said NO, 10/21

10/22 - Seattle School Board said NO on Resolution 2261

10/26 - LWSD School Board said NO on their Resolution 2043 last night!  The bureaucracy of Seattle School District even beat LWSD in getting the word out to their voters.

It's not like a NO I-1033 is a done deal.  Republicans are endorsing the measure.  And as President Pendergrass warned last night, the measure appears as a simple way to lower property taxes when, in fact, it's a complex issue that cuts revenues and requires serious study. 

LWSD taxpayers count on President Pendergrass and her Directors to give us timely guidance on the serious issues affecting basic education of our children.  I beg you to please step-up with your peers in the next election and partner with your constituents.   Lake Washington School District does a great job.  Please don't leave us in the lurch next time.

by Bob Yoder


  1. Excellent editorial, Bob. Right on!

  2. Kind of a lame point, actually. It might be a better idea to spend less of your time in boardrooms. Try talking to actual people who are not businessowners or board members, etc. This blog could be very good, but you focus so much on the powers that be, that you miss what's going on out there.

  3. Our School Board voted via Resolution 09-26 to oppose I-1033 on the October 20th Board Meeting. We’re a little late in getting our pending minutes up on the website. Sorry about that.

    Becky Hashimoto
    Executive Assistant
    Board of Directors
    Bellevue School District

  4. Is anyone really surprised that the school districts are opposed to this initiative? Are there ANY government entities in the state that would willfully agree to limit their spending? Even though unemployment is high and many more people have suffered a pay cut over the last couple of years, goverment feels that it must enjoy unrestricted taxing.

    Don't forget, this law doesn't "cut" taxes, it merely limits the INCREASE to inflation and population.

    Let's send the message to goverment that they, like everyone else, needs to reign in spending a little. I'm voting "Yes" on this one.
