Monday, July 13, 2009

Take a break with this hilarious Avian Water commercial

ATTN: BMX'ers, Edge Park board skaters, Sammamish River Trail In-Line skaters and PSE mountain-bikers! Digital artists, too....

Credits, Stew Konzen's FaceBook

1 comment:

Stew Konzen said...

Comments from Stew Kowzen's FaceBook on his posting of this clip

Stew Konzen at 12:59pm July 13
It looks like all the babies are having a good time, but I hear the auditions were cut-throat and the rehearsals brutal. Aren't there baby labor laws that prevent this sort of thing? So many souls lost to the power of rap and video editing...

And life will be tough for these babies -- when your career peaks at age two, the rest of your work life can be one long downhill slide. Whatever happened to Rosemary's Baby (1968) and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (1962), anyway?